Friday, May 03, 2024

pbs (our supposed unbiased network of the arts) makes up a whopper about the President—but they all do it, believe me

[“The Washington post’s big lie campaign against the President.”]

[Sorry, GRA. I thought sure I’d posted this, but nothing showed up under its name, when I stumbled onto it, just now.]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, april 1, 2024 at 1:30:00  a.m. edt

“(zh) in a ludicrous paranoid segment on pbs newshour this week, the network’s white house correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez claimed that Donald Trump is not only planning to roll back ‘civil rights,’ but also to ‘purge’ lgbt people from the country.

“Barron-Lopez and anchor William Brangham made the assertions while discussing Trump’s real criticism of transgender surgery and hormone therapy being carried out on children, and biological men competing in women’s sports.

“on the campaign trail, Trump has been talking about what he plans to do if elected in november, and that includes rolling back the rights of millions of lgbtq people. it’s part of a wider playbook to undo many modern civil rights advances for minority groups,’ Brangham asserted.

“he then introduced Barron-Lopez, who claimed Trump ‘plans quick action if elected,’ against lgbt people.

“she then suggested that Trump and ‘roughly 100 right-wing organisations led by the heritage foundation,’ have a secret plan to wipe out lgbtq people… or something.

“what does the dastardly plan consist of? eliminating dei (diversity, equity, and inclusion) from government mandates and banning federal funding for teaching critical race theory.

“ok, those things are not civil rights. if anything they are in direct opposition to civil rights because they discriminate based on skin colour [sic].

“Barron-Lopez, who is also a cnn political analyst, then complained that Trump will ‘rescind health-care protections for transgender people and urge congress to define gender as male and female, fixed at birth.

“without any actual explanation or evidence she further asserted that ‘this plan also is trying to stop any and all acknowledgement of an acceptance of gender identity.”

GRA: I hope so, insanity should not be encouraged.



  1. PBS--the home of Proud,Biased Stupidity.



  2. "roll back ‘civil rights,’ but also to ‘purge’ lgbt people from the country."

    This would all be so bad.
