Wednesday, May 08, 2024

negro boyfriend arrested after mother of 5 found dead in woods near Livingston, Polk county sheriff says; family calls for justice

wednesday, may 8, 2024 at 06:45:45 p.m. edt

negro boyfriend arrested after mother of 5 found dead in woods near Livingston, Polk county sheriff says | family calls for justice


  1. The coalburner's mother:“You claimed to love my daughter, you claimed to love her children. Why could you, how could you do this, I mean I don’t understand,” she said “I want him in jail where he belongs so he can never hurt another child or person again.”

    GRA:When black men say they "love" a White woman,it doesn't have the same meaning as when normal people say it.It means,"I own you and I will do what I want"--and that's all.If the White woman doesn't know this,then what happened to the mother of five,is inevitable.

    "Get back,
    Get back,
    Get back to stinking Africa."

    No telling how many black kids this woman had.Too bad,she looked very attractive,face-wise.


  2. Might be a trace of miscegenation in the victim. These wimmen never seem to learn with the colored "boy friend".

  3. Two nig news co-anchors,a nig reporter and a nig perp.

    The superfecta is hit again.

    Don't tell me there's no such thing as White replacement.

    And don't tell me the male newsnigs are any better to women than the perp in this story.

    Just change KHOU to KNIG.

