Sunday, May 26, 2024

nazi politician twists the knife on "enabler" fake president/real gangster Joe Biden, warns of november backlash over handling of war on Israel with terrorist group

By N.S.

"Rashida Tlaib twists the knife on ‘enabler’ Biden, warns of november backlash over handling of Israel-hamas war"

"'squad' member rep. Rashida Tlaib berated president [sic] Biden's handling of the Israel-hamas war during a surprise appearance at the 'people's conference for palestine [sic]' in detroit saturday, an event attended by..."


  1. 100,000 Yemeni in Dee-troit area alone. Leaving the ballot black for office of the Presidency and Don will win the state and maybe the White House. Yemeni?

  2. How will SHE vote--a write in for Sirhan B.Sirhan?

