Friday, May 17, 2024

nato fights for the “rights” of sodomites

By “W”
friday, may 17, 2024 at 07:51:21 p.m. edt

nato fights for the rights of sodomites

Is there such a thing as Straight-o-phobia?

1 comment:

  1. I recently purchased an antenna and part of what you get with an antenna is Scripps News.I said I'd give a brief report,comparing it to nbc,cbs and abc.

    Today,I saw enough to complete my review.

    Scripps has a black reporting on the Trump trial,one of the White anchorman asked a question of a guest,on another segment about cooking,prefacing it by saying,"My husband..."

    Queer guys,on tv,love to bring up the fact they,"have husbands"--for no reason at all--except to irritate straight guys watching.

    On FOX weather,a gay weatherman mentioned it while talking about TORNADOES,for God's sake.

    There aren't AS many blacks as at nbc,but Scripps has a smaller number of employees,so 15 blacks out of 25 at nbc and 5 blacks out of 13 at Scripps is equal in my book--and the Whites appear to be in the advanced woke stage.

    Another crappy news network

