Saturday, May 25, 2024

Mark Krikorian's op-ed on the occasion of the Johnson-Reed centenary (legal immigration)

By An Old Friend
saturday, may 25, 2024 at 07:27:28 p.m. edt

Mark Krikorian's op-ed on the occasion of the Johnson-Reed centenary

100 years ago since the 1924 immigration cut-off:

I disagree with him about national-origins quotas. If we're not going to simply end immigration (my preference), we should resurrect the quotas, while lowering the legal-admit numbers to, say, 50,000/year.


  1. A complete stoppage for 5 years.


  2. Yes, ending immigration entirely with the exception of spouses would be best. Quotas would be the subject of endless political and legal fights. Besides--what people are most suitable for a free country? Certainly not most Europeans who have voted away their freedoms, not third world types who want as many freebies as possible. Maybe somewhere there is a population with a true desire for freedom who would make good Americans--Hungary maybe?

  3. "A complete stoppage for 5 years."

    End ALL immigration until the illegal situation solved. When ever that would be. A minimum.
