Tuesday, May 28, 2024

lesbian, democrat, michigan criminal general Dana Nessel has just announced: ‘If you’re a White policeman, you may not arrest any black men in my state’; she has set up second show trial in one year for a White policeman who killed a fugitive, black persistent felony offender who resisted arrest in grand rapids

“only a couple little warrants”: bLACK fambilee in grand rapids hires “uNCLE bEN cRUMP” after unmarked police car runs down nEGRO felon during chase

“cRUMP in grand rapids—again.”

(An earlier report by Grand Rapids Anonymous that I neglected to post.)

Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, april 29, 2024 at 7:09:00 p.m. edt

(GRA) In grand rapids, wood sent their usually objective, White reporter, Ken Kolker to talk to a (White) lawyer about the Samuel Sterling case. The similarities of the Sterling case to the mass cop murders in Charlotte are that both perps had outstanding warrants for being a felon in possession of a weapon. What wasn’t disclosed about Sterling was what his previous felony happened to be, which forbade him to carry a weapon.

The White lawyer (I can’t recall or find his name), proclaimed the unidentified cop who ran Sterling over, “guilty of, at least involuntary homicide, but possibly murder. There was no need of that type of action—especially for evading a warrant.”

However, look what happened in Charlotte when cops attempted to arrest a person for the same. There’s nothing simple when it comes to arresting blacks, in a home, or on the street. If Sterling had a weapon—and the officer thought he saw one, he had every right to end the threat.

We haven’t heard his side of the story yet.


White, michigan cop is charged with second-degree murder (life in prison), in Samuel Sterling incident, by anti-cop, pro-bLACK attorney general, Dana Nessel; cop’s lawyer says, “Nessel ignored the facts in charging my client”
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, may 28, 2024 at 10:09:00 p.m. edt

“grand rapids, mich. (wood) — a michigan state police detective sergeant who hit a black man with an unmarked cruiser during a foot chase in Kentwood, killing him, will be charged with murder.

“the michigan attorney general’s office on tuesday filed charges of second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter against Brian Keely, 50, of grand rapids, in the death of Samuel Sterling. it’s unclear when he will be arraigned.

“‘My office has reviewed multiple police reports from other officers on the scene, read the accident reconstruction report and autopsy, as well as watched bodycam footage and surveillance videos from neighboring businesses prior to completing our investigation,’ michigan attorney general Dana Nessel said in a short video statement released on social media. ‘We have found that detective sgt. Keely’s actions that day were legally grossly negligent and created a very high risk of death or great bodily harm which could have otherwise been prevented.”

[N.S.: That is not the language of a murder charge. Besides which, I don’t for one second believe that the charges were determined by what Dana Nessel saw on any videos. She had decided on her course of action, as soon as she knew that the decedent was black, and the cop was White. The whole thing is a political prosecution of a local matter.]

“video shows man hit by unmarked msp cruiser
“a probable cause document filed with the court argues Keely ‘did make an assault or an assault and battery, using a motor vehicle’ on Sterling.

“Nessel said her office would not be offering more comment outside of what it presents in court, citing ‘respect for the victim’s family and the legal process.

“‘public integrity is of top priority and my department remains dedicated to providing a thorough and just review and resolution in each case brought before us. it was equally as important in this matter that our review was swift, both for mr. Sterling’s family, the greater grand rapids region and the law enforcement community at large,’ Nessel said.

“if convicted of second-degree murder, Keely could spend the rest of his life in prison. involuntary manslaughter carries a sentence of up to 15 years in prison.

“Keely had already been suspended without pay by msp and gov. Gretchen Whitmer had called for his firing if he was charged.

“in a tuesday statement, Keely’s attorney Marc Curtis said he was prepared to argue the case in court and suggested the charges were politically motivated.

“‘it is unfortunate that in this time of political correctness, michigan’s attorney general has chosen to ignore the facts of this incident and rely on political pressure,’ Curtis said. ‘it is also unfortunate that our governor, without having seen or heard all the evidence in the case, chose to interject her opinion and side against law enforcement in this matter.

“he said Keely is a ‘man of faith’ who is ‘broken-hearted’ for Sterling’s family.

“‘however,” the statement continued, ‘this was an accident that could have been avoided had mr. Sterling simply turned himself in prior to the U.S. marshall’s task force being assigned to apprehend him. this accident could have also been avoided if Mr. Sterling would have simply complied with the commands of the detectives. Mr. Sterling’s action not only put himself in danger but the citizens that were in the area at the time.

“the attorney previously told news 8 that Keely ‘had no intention of purposely harming mr. Sterling.

“Sterling’s mother Andrica Cage told news 8 that she was ‘very, very happy’ to learn of the charges from the ag’s office.

GRA: Ven Johnson is her lawyer. She’s dreaming of millions of black lotto bucks.

N.S.: Ven Johnson, who is White, has been partnering with Benjamin Crump on the Officer Chris Schurr (Francis Lyoya) shakedown/political prosecution.


  1. Lots of small and medium size towns in Michigan have large and restive negro populations. The auto industry.


    No charges for Kent County deputy after teen hit by cruiser

    Posted: May 28, 2024 / 11:02 AM EDT

    Updated: May 28, 2024 / 06:10 PM EDT

    GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — Though he acknowledged the death of Riley Doggett was “tragic,” the Kent County prosecutor has decided he will not charge the Kent County sheriff’s deputy whose cruiser hit the 17-year-old last month.

    “Based on the facts and circumstances, I did not find the basis to charge the officer,” Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker said Tuesday, going on to say he could not find evidence of intent to kill or commit great bodily harm, gross negligence or reckless driving.

    Doggett was running away after jumping from a stolen Range Rover in which he was a passenger.

    “(The deputy) is trying to apprehend what he believes to be dangerous individuals,” Becker said. “They have run from the police in Holland just before this. They have an extensive chase here. There’s a possibility of guns being involved. Given the totality of the circumstances, at that speed, I can’t say to the ‘ordinary mind’ that death or great bodily harm is going to result.”

    Doggett’s mother told News 8 she believes the deputy should have been charged.

    “He used his vehicle and ran my son over,” she said.

    Ven Johnson, the Doggett family’s attorney, told News 8 he will ask the Michigan Attorney General’s Office to review Becker’s ruling. He also plans to file a civil lawsuit against the deputy and the county.

    Becker said he has filed charges against the 17-year-old who was driving the Range Rover. He faces charges of fleeing and eluding causing Doggett’s death and continuing criminal enterprises. Becker said he will ask the court to try the defendant as an adult, citing the “totality” of his criminal history.

    GRA:Sterling had eluded cops for 2 years on weapons charges and other felony warrants,was spotted and ran.Doggett ran after crashing his vehicle.Both are being represented by Ven Johnson.

    The key:"Police are trying to apprehend,what they believe,is a dangerous criminal"--that's Sterling(and Doggett)in spades.

    The difference:Sterling is black-that's why Nessel is filing charges against White cop Keely.
