Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves (rewritten by GRA)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, may 21, 2024 at 10:15:00 a.m. edt

Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves
(rewritten by GRA)

A crime's been committed,
Over in the ghetto,
Police were alerted,
And now they have to go,
What the cops call,
A 10-71.
"Raceless mob with gunshots,"
Gotta send some cruisers,
To see what they've done.

negroes, spics, it seems,
They are the only lowlifes,
Who the cops must deal with,
negroes,spics,it seems,
That every night,
Yes,the cops,
Must come around,
And some might get shot down.

The city is a shi*hole,
Over in chicago,
But it's any city,
Where there's lots of negroes,
mexicans too--they like to use guns,
Someone heard some gunshots,
Gotta send the police,
To see what they've done.

negroes,spics,it seems,
They are the only lowlifes,
That the cops must visit,
negroes,spics,it seems,
That every night,
Yes,the cops must come around,
And they could get shot down.

negroes,spics,it seems,
They are the only lowlifes,
Who the cops must visit....




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