Saturday, May 25, 2024

Guess the race: "man" stole $400,000 from his boss; boss caught him but weakened out of pressing charges; so the "man" went back to stealing from him; and murdered him while he was stunned but conscious, & dismembered his body; but needed four years to come up with "crazy card" defense

By N.S.

"US man beheaded boss to hide $400,000 theft, avoid breakup with girlfriend" [that's the lawyer's b.s. story]

"Tyrese Haspil, who was in 2020 charged with the murder and dismemberment of his boss, tech entrepreneur Fahil Saleh, has now claimed that he beheaded the victim in a 'crime of passion,' according to his lawyer"

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me: vic Fahim Saleh, 33, l; thief and murderer, Tyrese Haspil, 25. Actually, in this case, it's fool me thrice, because Saleh was foolish enough to hire Haspil, in the first place.


  1. What's brown and black and red all over?Three crayons in kindergarten class.


  2. And a black killing a Muslim via beheading(double punchline).


  3. Maybe Ty-Reese became a Muslim and said he would never steal again.

  4. I see the New York Post do do a Page 1 headline, KILLER SECRETARY. Shown at bottom of the NY Post story way way way way back when the crime happened in 2020.

    Tyrese's eyeglasses might be from the Louis Farrakhan Designer Collection.

    That defense lawyer is really digging deep. Schizo mother who allegedly locked him in a bedroom and beat him, really?
