Wednesday, May 29, 2024

"border patrol has lost 1/4 of its agents, thanks to dems"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
wednesday, may 29, 2024 at 04:21:00

"U.S. border patrol has lost one-quarter of its agents during the Biden administration.

it's no secret that illegal immigration — a simmering, slow-motion crisis that has been percolating for decades — has reached its worst extent, thanks to the malign neglect of the Biden administration.

fewer stories have featured the morale-sapping impact his policies have on those who signed up to keep America's borders secure.

one out of every four border patrol agents has left the agency since Joe Biden took office, a new review of the statistics has found. that's an attrition rate far higher than his predecessors. the border patrol employed 19,357 agents in fiscal year 2022. during the Trump and Obama administrations, the agency lost an average of 996 agents a year — or 3,486 agents during a comparable 42-month period. but since october 2020, the border patrol has lost a grand total of 4,281 agents: 3,665 in fiscal years 2020-2023, and 616 in the six months after the end of fy 2023 last october. that averages out to 1,222 agents annually in the Biden years. much of that atrophying came from experienced agents deciding they have had enough of Biden's policies. early retirements more than doubled during this period, from 257 a year (2014-2020) to 529 during this administration.

Biden lied that two border patrol agents in Del Rio, texas, 'whipped' illegal immigrants from haiti who attempted to run past the agents into U.S. territory. 'those people will pay,' Biden vowed, before an investigation had formally taken place. as I explained at the time, 'in reality, border patrol agents don't carry whips, none of the photos showed their reins touching anybody, and agents would swing their reins to prevent people from getting hurt by their trampling horses.'

the story proved as comprehensively false as any story can. the administration quietly dropped the case — but used the false story to prevent agents from patrolling the border on horseback. competent agents decided they did not want to become the next one singled out for national humiliation by the president of the United States on the grounds of a baseless allegation.

clearing out a federal agency of competent, dedicated civil servants accomplishes a dark, double policy goal for Biden: it removes agents who might pose administrative obstacles to his lax border policies, and makes room to replace them with "diverse" new hires committed to his open...",to%20his%20open


  1. And not replaced.Good excuse to let the border go unguarded.


  2. "one out of every four border patrol agents has left the agency since Joe Biden took office, a new review of the statistics has found. "

    And I can reasonably assume no more border agents on the way. WHO in their right mind would WANT to be BP at this point in time.


    (ZH)Boston's 39-year-old Mayor, Michelle Wu, wants to follow in the footsteps of San Francisco, Philadelphia, Seattle, Denver, New York, and other liberal strongholds - where property crimes, including grand larceny and motor vehicle theft, have seen a sharp increase in recent years.

    Boston's progressive Mayor Michelle Wu wants to decriminalize certain offenses
    As the Daily Mail reports, Wu wants to make crimes including shoplifting and disorderly conduct off-limits to prosecution. She also wants to include certain categories of breaking and entering, wanton and malicious property destruction, larceny under $250, and trespassing as non-prosecutable crimes. She did toss in drug possession - which is fine as long as crimes like disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace are enforced.

    Those who commit such wanton crimes would receive little more than a slap on the wrist.

    The offenses are all on a 'do-not-prosecute' list that was created by former Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins.

    Rollins, who later joined the Biden administration but resigned amid ethical violations, had advocated for the non-prosecution of more 'low-level' offenses.

    During her 2021 campaign, Wu was asked by left-wing nonprofit Progressive Massachusetts whether she supports Rollins' list, to which she responded "Yes." When asked if she supported closing the Boston Police gang database, she also said yes.

    GRA:I'm not sure who the other candidate was,but Boston will "Wu" the day they elected this commie.Why they would,I can't hypothesize--unless the other choice was a blm-er.


  4. Jerry pdx
    Portland shut down gang enforcement years ago and required the department to erase all gang affiliation data. Resulted in predictable sharp increase in gang violence and murders.
    Woke politicos behind the policy wrung their hands and struck poses of mock wonderment as to why the increase happened. Liberal SF politicians will do the same.

  5. "Boston's progressive Mayor Michelle Wu wants to decriminalize certain offenses"

    Progressive. OH, we are making progress all right. IN the wrong direction.


    (ZH)Given the last days of momentum and growing pressure coming from some NATO countries, this was perhaps inevitable: the United States has now greenlighted Ukraine's use of American-supplied weapons against Russian territory in a huge escalation which takes the world a big step closer to WW3 and nuclear-armed confrontation.

    Politico is reporting Thursday afternoon, "The Biden administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia — solely near the area of Kharkiv — using U.S.-provided weapons, two U.S. officials and two other people familiar with the move said Thursday, a major reversal that will help Ukraine to better defend its second-largest city."

    An anonymous US official was cited a saying, "The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine is able to use U.S. weapons for counter-fire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them."

    The same official stipulated that the policy of not allowing long-range strikes inside Russia "has not changed." However, this is surely going to be a distinction without substance or meaning from Russia's point of view, as it makes attacking Russia's sovereign territory with US weaponry 'allowable' for the first time.

    GRA:biden gave Russia tacit permission to start the war two years ago,now he's giving them permission(of which they'll have every right)to launch missiles at American military and civilians.

    Way to escalate,Brandon.

