Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Pull: "fbi file on Jeff Bezos' grandfather, a darpa co-founder, has been destroyed"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
tuesday, may 7, 2024 at 11:52:40 p.m. edt

"fbi file on Jeff Bezos' grandfather, a darpa co-founder, has been destroyed"



Bezos is a major defense contractor.

That is why amazon opened a second hq in suburban Virginia.

Had to be closer to all the action and grifting on the Hill.

Now he can stuff Amazon Web Services with your Amazon purchasing habits.

And then share it with the Feds.

Ditto for Elon Musk.

At least Elon has better taste in women.

Bezos's "girlfriend" started out banging men of color.

And then she moved up the genetic food chain to banging a white guy.

But she still acts and looks like a cholo's girlfriend.


1 comment:

  1. So HE started all the trouble with the internet.In one small aspect,it has improved communications and information.On the other hand,the larger negatives are too long a list to write.

    We were less wired(pun intended)as a society,before the internet--perfectly happy as a country.With 400 channels of cable--of which 399 channels have nothing to offer(the other channel I haven't seen yet)--plus,twitter,facebook etal.,America has spontaneously combusted into a free for all of craziness,stupidity and ennui.

    I would gladly go back to pre-2005 for many reasons

