Monday, May 06, 2024

dusky doings dept: mr. Polite's gun doesn't go off when he tries to shoot pastor Germany

By N.S.
monday, may 6, 2024 at 10:58:52 p.m. edt

dusky doings dept: mr. Polite's gun doesn't go off when he tries to shoot pastor Germany

God's Will be done...or something:

“man tries to shoot pastor during service livestream; suspect’s relative is later found dead

“Bernard Junior Polite, 26, told Glenn Germany he was ‘hearing voices’ that told him to shoot him on sunday. Pennsylvania state police said ‘the firearm failed to discharge.’”


  1. Yes,I saw that video on abc.

    "It jammed,"said the news anchor,Muir.

    "God told me to do it,"said the negroid.

    "I have to change my underwear,"said the black pastor.

    Believe what you want.


  2. He WAS successful,serenading his relative at home,into taking a nig nap.


  3. BRADDOCK, Pa., as in Mayor John Fetterman.

  4. "‘the firearm failed to discharge.’”

    Probably had a coating of oil on the tip of the firing pin.

    They will attribute all this misfiring as a miracle.

    Remember Schlindler's List with the scene were the SS officer pistol would not fire!
