Thursday, May 30, 2024

Dr. Strangelove Biden? fake president/real gangster Joe Biden has taken us one step closer to wwiii, okaying the ukraine to launch U.S. missiles into russia

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, may 30, 2024 at 11:00:00 p.m. edt

“(zh) given the last days of momentum and growing pressure coming from some nato countries, this was perhaps inevitable: the United States has now greenlighted the ukraine’s use of American-supplied weapons against russian territory in a huge escalation, which takes the world a big step closer to ww3 and nuclear-armed confrontation.

politico is reporting thursday afternoon [today], ‘the [sic] Biden administration has quietly given the ukraine permission to strike inside russia — solely near the area of kharkiv — using U.S.-provided weapons, two U.S. officials and two other people familiar with the move said thursday, a major reversal that will help the ukraine to better defend its second-largest city.

“an anonymous US official was cited a saying, ‘the president [sic] recently directed his team to ensure that the ukraine is able to use U.S. weapons for counter-fire purposes in kharkiv so the ukraine can hit back at russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them.

“the same official stipulated that the policy of not allowing long-range strikes inside russia ‘has not changed.’ however, this is surely going to be a distinction without substance or meaning from russia’s point of view, as it makes attacking russia’s sovereign territory with US weaponry ‘allowable’ for the first time.”

GRA: biden gave Russia tacit permission to start the war two years ago. Now he’s giving them permission (of which they’ll have every right) to launch missiles at American military and civilians.

Way to escalate, Brandon.



  1. Russian early warning radar have been attacked by the Ukrainian. That one was one criteria the Russia stated was grounds for possible atomic retaliation.

  2. WW3 and the use of atomic weapons regrettably probably more likely than most folks want to believe. Cooler heads will prevail. they think and say. With Pal Joey in charge beware however.
