Thursday, May 23, 2024

An update on the San Francisco “hate crime” hoaxes, er, I mean, the neo-nazi hate crimes!

By N.S.

Yesterday at 10:05 p.m., I posted the item, “Terry Williams: race hoaxer, or victim of neo-Nazi savages?”

mission local activist Eleni Balakrishnan wrote a “thing” on may 22, acting as Terry Williams’ cheerleader.

Much of Balakrishnan’s “thing” consisted of fakestats from california state authorities which maintained that blacks are the constant victims of “hate crimes.”

One serious contradiction in Eleni Balakrishnan’s “thing” in mission local grew out of her claims that Williams had had his parents move out of the city, and yet, that they were in the house at the time of the fire, his mother had to be rescued, and (according to a supportive neighbor) his father reportedly got partially burned.

Balakrishnan also swallowed whole Terry Williams’ transparent lie that the house had a ring camera, yet that it had not picked up the neo-nazis committing “hate crimes” at his door. He would have turned off the ring camera, before leaving the items in question at his door.

Oh, and the “Nazis” left a Golliwog doll with a noose around its neck?! How many noose stories were not hate crime hoaxes? Eleni Balakrishnan followed the m.o. of contemporary fake news, which I have called the landfill of lies: She used established lies (the state fakestats) as an intro to her new lies (Terry Williams’ hoaxes).

Earlier that evening, I’d attempted to post the following comment at mission local, the san francisco neighborhood blog promoting Terry Williams.

Nicholas Stix says:
May 22, 2024, 6:27 pm at 6:27 pm

“Your comment is awaiting moderation.”

The “racist threats” were obviously race hoaxes. The fire was either also a hoax or old wiring. There are no murderous neo-Nazis in Frisco, except in the fervid imaginations of violent racial socialists and black supremacists. Meanwhile, the “victim” is getting rich off of Go Fraud Me.

The Gauleiter at mission local blocked my comment, without ever posting it. Thus, all of the permitted comments support the hoax narrative.

Meanwhile, a bunch of hoax supporters also commented on a reddit thread, where 5% (9 comments) were deleted before they could even be archived. I’m sure they were also doubters.

1 comment:

  1. What does the fire inspector say,or isn't he permitted to publicly accuse the Williams' fambilee of arson or stupidity?

    Or fraud?

