Sunday, May 05, 2024

"American citizen has taken it upon herself to attend Donald Trump’s trial in new york city"

Re-posted by N.S.

"American citizen has taken it upon herself to attend Donald Trump’s trial in new york city"

“I have never seen antics like what I'm witnessing in that courtroom. It's a humiliation ritual. It's so sad what they are doing to him and to his family and to the American people.”

“What I can say for sure about everything that is taking place is President Trump is right on in calling it a show trial.”

“This is, they've weaponized the judicial system. Every system has been weaponized against anybody who would dare to stand up against the system and do something different. They want to bully and shame people into submission. But what I know is through all of this.

When we walk through fiery trials and processes, if we remain faithful and stay the course, we can allow the Lord through it to fortify us. In the courtroom, every single day, I have been praying for President Trump and for the whole process, everything that's happening. I have been praying for President Trump since 2015 consistently, but to be in the courtroom, to have the privilege of looking at him on last Friday, a week ago, I was able to smile at him in mouth, thank you. And when I did, he smiled and winked at me as he was walking out of the courtroom. That was very cool.

It's good for him to know that he has friends in the room”

I transcribed a very small portion of this video and I greatly encourage you to listen to the full clip. These people are evil, this is what we’re up against.

N.S. There's a selfie video attached to this, but after the lady reads the above, she degenrates into quoting a friend, who speaks in song lyrics ("wisdom"): "It's not where you start, it's where you finish," and when you fall down, "You have get up, and dust yourself off."

I didn't think that was worth 6:35 of your time.


  1. Everybody knows what this is all about and it is all bad. Transparent as could possibly be.

  2. Scripps,my new news source on tv,reported today that Donald Trump says he will,"In a new Trump administration,I will build detention camps for illegals."

    A good idea,but after hearing that campaign promise,all the mex who are supposedly leaning Trump's way,may decide to lean the other way.


  3. Not only Don. Everyone that associated with the man even in most peripheral manner too.
