Saturday, February 24, 2024

Was the original official story about the mass shooting at the kansas city super bowl victory celebration a conspiracy of the cops and the msm?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, february 22, 2024 at 1:28:00 a.m. est

nnn’s Lester Holt said two men were arrested and “we don’t know if the minors who were thought to be involved, were part of the shooting at all.”

Totally made up news by police, msm, the whole damn lot of them. I’m shocked two White guys weren’t trotted out.



  1. You just can't tell what's going on with news stories anymore--and "stories" are what most of them are--concoctions.They make things up to buy time and then drop it if they can't blame Whitey for it.


  2. Tacit approval and agreement that to make the story low-key.

  3. jerry pdx
    Confuse, obfuscate, lie...anything to steer attention away from the overwhelmingly disproportionate amount of crime committed by negroes, especially racially motivated crime. Negroes and woke Whites more and more are in control of what we read in the MSM, rational Whites, the few that still exist in the media, are terrified they will commit the crime of honest race speak so submit and go along with the liars.
