Thursday, February 29, 2024

"report: moslems pose threat to 'european civilization'"

By R.C.
thursday, february 29, 2024 at 09:12:50 p.m. est

"report: muslims pose threat to 'european civilization'"

No s--t.


  1. Someone just figured that out?I guess they didn't teach(Crusades) history where the author went to school.It will go on until Putin,Xi or Biden hit the nuke button--or their successors.



  2. "...or their successors do."


  3. jerry pdx
    There are dozens of Islamic insurgencies around the globe with zealots trying to create their world caliphate. They can be financed and armed by islamic regimes, China, the Eastern block or the West depending if they have some kind of aligned economic or ideological interests. These jihadists don't care, they change uniforms and go on with their goal of making Islam the world's dominant religion.

    There are no Christian insurgencies forcing their religious belief on others. Interesting that almost every inter religious conflict you read about involve Islamics vs. somebody else.

  4. No shit is right. Like we didn't know for decades.
