Thursday, February 29, 2024

another black supremacist judge decides to exclude the President from the upcoming election

The vic

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
thursday, February 29, 2024 at 7:56:00 p.m. est

GRA: Add Tracie Porter to the list of negro judges against President Trump.

“(zh) ahead of a supreme court ruling on whether former [sic] President Donald Trump can be disqualified as a candidate by individual states under section 3 of the 14th amendment, an illinois judge ruled President Trump ineligible for the ballot.

“Cook county circuit court judge Tracie Porter, following other jurisdictions, stayed her order to remove the former [sic] president pending an appeal which he has [sic], and which the supreme court has said it will hear. the ruling came a week after the judge heard arguments regarding illinois statutes.

“‘this order is stayed until march 1, 2024 in anticipation of an appeal to the illinois appellate court, first district, or the illinois supreme court. this order is further stayed if the United States supreme court in Anderson v. Griswold enters a decision inconsistent with this order,’ the ruling reads.

“on feb. 8, the day the supreme court heard arguments regarding colorado’s disqualification of President Trump, mail-in ballots were sent out in illinois with President Trump’s name on them. this puts the state in a position to potentially have to not count votes cast for him.

“if the order is not stayed and reversed, the state elections board will be tasked with removing ‘Donald J. Trump from the ballot for the general primary election on march 19, 2024, or cause any votes cast for him to be suppressed, according to the procedures within their administrative authority.’”

GRA: This is the way blacks are when allowed to decide about Whites.


the perp: Cook county circuit court judge Tracie Porter, yet another rogue officer of the court who needs to be disbarred and imprisoned


  1. Chicago negress judge traffic court or some such.

    I have often thought this exclusion can go both ways. Remove Biden from the ballot in a number of states in retaliation.


    (epoch times)The Supreme Court, in an unusual Sunday update to its schedule, didn’t specify what ruling it would issue. However, the justices on Feb. 8 heard arguments in the former president’s appeal of a ruling in Colorado and are due to issue their own decision.

    The March 3 announcement said the opinion would be posted online at 10 a.m. Washington time. “The court will not take the bench,” it only said on its website.

    Late last year, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that President Trump is disqualified from appearing on ballots in Colorado, citing an interpretation of the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment provision that stipulates that candidates who engaged in an “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States should be prevented from holding office. Maine’s Democratic secretary of state made a similar decision days later, and a judge in Illinois recently issued a similar ruling to prevent his appearance on ballots.

    The amendment was drafted more than 150 years ago, after the Civil War, and the court was the first to invoke it. However, that ruling and the two others are on hold pending the Supreme Court decision.

    The former president appealed the Colorado court ruling to the Supreme Court, which took up the matter quickly. Oral arguments in the case were heard last month.

    Notably, the Supreme Court has until now never ruled on the provision, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. The court indicated this weekend that at least one case would be decided on March 4, although it didn’t indicate which one.

    GRA:It's the whole tamale for Mr Trump.Most think he'll win easily,but I don't trust any of them(judges) anymore.Even on slam dunks like this.

