Sunday, February 25, 2024

1m 30s clip: Bill Clinton decrying illegal immigration in 1995

By A Colleague
sunday, february 25, 2024 at 07:58:31 p.m. est

Honestly, I've never put much stock in Clinton's tough talk about immigration when he was President. I think what Clinton was doing in saying this was acknowledging public opinion on the issue. Behind the scenes, his sympathies were very much in the expansionist camp.

He pledged to follow the Jordan commission's recommendations, I believe mainly because Jordan was a respected member of the democratic party and civil rights mascot. When Jordan announced the commission's recommendations, I think Clinton was surprised how restrictionist they were. While he publicly acknowledged the widespread voter approval of the recommendations, he started looking for a path to back out of his commitment. With Jordan's untimely death just a few months after the announcement of the recommendations, he had his path and did indeed back out.

What remained was the much diminished IIRAIRA of 1996. It had no reductions in legal immigration. It did have a few great tools in principle to combat illegal immigration (including what is now known as E-Verify), but by and large Clinton and every President since him have done everything they can to suppress the potential of the IIRAIRA to halt illegal immigration.

1m30s video: 1995: Bill Clinton denounces illegal immigration.

Did prop 187's passage in california in 1994 — with 59% of the vote — have anything to do with Clinton's passionate indictment of illegal immigration?

citizen free press@CitizenFreePress

Trump should use this Bill Clinton 1995 immigration clip as a national campaign ad. democrats will lose their minds.

I'm Donald Trump and I approve this video.

From Ronna McDaniel feb 25, 2024

4 paragraph reminder: HOW A DETERMINED CARTER-APPOINTED FEDERAL JUDGE SLOWLY SUFFOCATED PROP 187: 1994 california proposition 187 - wikipedia


  1. We were still pretty decent in most cities during Clinton's two terms,but after 9/11,the globalists took over the U.S. government(no coincidence)and definitely sped it up during Obama.They full fledged came out of the closet in 2016.During this time span ,the Mex and blacks invaded White America and destroyed 60% of it.

    Whether Clinton lied during his proclamation is...well,nearly a 100% probability.


  2. Congress was still White at the time--only 30 years ago.


  3. "OH, that was nearly thirty years ago" says Bill. "Times are different now." Surely that so. And all for the worse.
