Sunday, December 03, 2023

DC police tell residents to buy airtags for canadian goose coats as thieves are targeting them

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
saturday, december 2, 2023 at 11:40:54 p.m. est

DC police tell residents to buy airtags for canadian goose coats as thieves are targeting them

amish stealing goose down coats?

Matching coats to go with their bib overalls?


  1. Dem Amish will steals ANYTHING.


  2. jerry pdx
    In the war against White genius, MSN decides to run a headline article about how Edison tried to steal an idea from black inventor Granville Woods:

    Lawsuits over who came up with an idea first is not exactly uncommon in the world of patent law. Granville may have come up with the idea first, he reportedly did win the case but that doesn't mean that Edison wasn't working on something similar. Parallel development of inventions were very common in those days as inventors raced to come up with new ideas to service the growing technological society. Oftentimes, multiple inventors were working on similar ideas but it would come down to whomever filed the patent first.
    Tesla and Marconi legally wrangled over who came up with who invented radio first (Tesla did but Marconi usually gets credit).
    The article also claims racism kept Granville from getting his ideas onto the market and he ended up dying destitute and obscure. Maybe, but Tesla also died destitute and pretty much forgotten by the world. Anybody that has read up on his life knows that while he may have been the greatest inventive genius that ever lived, he did not have much business sense and never made much money. If Tesla were black, racism would be the reason he never profited much from his work, but he was White so they can't play the race card like they are with Granville.

  3. "Updating" history again,are they?Where would we BE without the blacks?(lol)
    Crime free with a balanced federal budget,beautiful cities.


  4. Where would we be without the blacks? Well, my Asian immigrant wife once said, "This would be such a wonderful country if there were no blacks!" One day in Chinatown I saw a half dozen young blacks standing around on the sidewalk. I noted that Asians were crossing the street in the previous block to avoid having to walk past the black men. I think most Asians are smart enough to know that blacks are dangerous. Unfortunately, most Asians are not smart enough to stop voting for Democrats who just empower black criminals. And unfortunately, the same thing can be said about Jews and many other ethnic groups.

    1. What's happening too,is the two parties are--more and more--are allowing only blacks to run against each other--especially in areas where demographically,blacks are over 25%.Republicans have thrown in the towel and just let black "GOPers" face off against a black democrat--so Asians or Whites--have no choice.It's the local party bigwigs who are responsible for all of it.


  5. When in DC [or almost any other big American city] try to dress as a beggar maybe best.

  6. Blacks are very sophisticated persons. They top dollar for the latest fashion. Snappy dressers as they call them.
