Saturday, December 02, 2023

Welcome to racial socialism: Christian trucking company fined 700k for refusing to hire illegal aliens

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
saturday, december 2, 2023 at 11:42:56 p.m. est

"Christian trucking company fined 0k [sic] for refusing to hire illegal immigrants [sic]"

This needs to go viral.


  1. Isn't that sumpthin'?

    I never hired illegal immigrants on my movies or tv specials,ladies and gentlemen.No sir--they have a certain scent--and with MY nose,I could smell one 10 miles away.

    --Bob Hope

  2. I remember that Michele Maulkin wrote that it was against to law to aid and abet illegal aliens and encourage them to settle. Obviously giving an illegal a job encourages them to settle. We have a country where the government ignores the laws and does whatever the left wants. Worse, the government prosecutes those who DO follow the law. This has become a banana republic without the bananas. And the judges are cowards, idiots, or tyrannical leftists.

  3. YEP. All controls gone. No stopping the illegals at all. Only going to get worse and worse.
