Sunday, December 31, 2023

Blah, blah, blah: "iconic journalist," “one of the greatest journalists in all of history,” whom you never heard of, but who apparently wished death on Whites, is dead at 84 (videos)

By R.C.

sunday, december 31, 2023 at 02:50:04 p.m. est

His name was John Pilger.

"Mr. Pilger grew up in bondi before his journalism career took him all over the globe as he worked for mastheads such as reuters and the daily mirror.

"he was an opponent of western foreign policy [N.S.: Whatever that means] and remained apprised on domestic issues such as the plight of indigenous australians.

"leading the tributes to Pilger on social media was former abc [austrialian broadcasting corporation] journalist Quentin Dempster who wrote:

'Pilger exposed atrocity, war crimes, abuse of power, dispossession, hypocrisy and dirty tricks around the world in a life of fearless truth-telling. may he rest in peace.'"

"iconic journalist John Pilger dies" — rt world news


  1. If you,"exposed atrocity, war crimes, abuse of power, dispossession, hypocrisy and dirty tricks around the world in a life of fearless truth-telling,"and I've never heard about him,was he still a "journalist"?

    GRA:This time of year,you get the 2023 obits and many of the deceased actors I saw listed,I had no idea who they were.Yet media claimed they were "greats".

    Especially blacks--according to the lying media.


  2. Lots of prominent Australians ashamed of themselves, even have to building a great country. The white Australian feels bad for the aborigine. Forget about that stuff only think about it with a great country you have found it in built.

  3. Anything with Stepin Fetchit Hass to be good
