Thursday, November 23, 2023

“will new George Floyd autopsy evidence bring Derek Chauvin retrial? With Guests Jonna Spilbor & Arthur Aidala (Megan Kelly Show Video)

Re-posted by N.S.

The first thing Hennepin county medical examiner, Dr. Andrew Baker, did wrong, was label the death of George Floyd a “homicide,” thereby saying that officer Derek Chauvin had somehow killed Floyd. But officer Chauvin had nothing to do with Floyd’s death, which was caused by a massive overdose of fentanyl (enough alone to kill Floyd three times over), methamphetamine, THC and the lingering effects of covid.

Baker had to know that saying that the death of a black man while in police custody was a “homicide” would cause hysteria among local and national black supremacists and their various allies, within and without the msm.

1,127,959 views Oct 30, 2023

“Megyn Kelly is joined by Jonna Spilbor, founding attorney of Jonna Spilbor Law, and Arthur Aidala, host of the Arthur Aidala Power Hour radio show, to discuss the evidence coming out about the George Floyd autopsy and how it might affect Derek Chauvin’s conviction, how the new information does not match up with the public narrative, if the United States Supreme Court will take this case, and more.”


  1. I say it was all that--PLUS--the extreme adrenaline release from going nuts in the cruiser,over his fear of being enclosed in a small space.

    I'd wager floyd's heart rate was over 150 bpm in the backseat of the cop car as he went beserk about getting arrested.

    "No,no--I'm claustrophobic,"he says over and over.floyd built himself into such a fever pitch of fear that his drug weakened heart could not take the strain of the self induced anxiety attack.

    I believe if Floyd had stayed in the car,he would have dropped dead at the exact same time--or sooner--than when he was laying down on the ground.


  2. "Conviction at all costs," perfectly states it.It took Kelly almost 4 minutes to ask a question to get that quote.She does like to talk.

    "Malicious prosecution,"is the other on target quote.

    But a jury of fair minded individuals are supposed to be the goalies to prevent miscarriages of justice.In this case,they left the net unattended.

    They may have been afraid of blm burning their houses down,but a mistrial based on a lone jury holdout would have punctured the floyd hysteria balloon and allowed the media hype to die down the same way the Lyoya trial has been defused by constant delays in court dates here in Grand Rapids.

    There's zero doubt the negro AG,Keith Ellison,was the perpetrator of the entire fiasco that was the Chauvin trial.

    HE needs to spend 20 years in prison for the heinous atrocity that his office forced on--not a perfect cop--but an innocent one--in the floyd prosecution.


  3. Since Chauvin his appeal to the Supreme Court for a new trial was denied, I am not sure what he can do now.

  4. The cowardly Supreme Court refused to take the case. Now I guess the only hope for the innocent policemen (I believe the other officers were also convicted) is a pardon by a brave and honest politician--if there is one. This case plus the January 6th prisoners, Trump's trumped up charges, etc., show that justice is dead in this country. Prosecutors are politically motivated or else motivated by amoral ambition. One trick allowed by our broken justice system is multiple different charges for the same act. Prosecutors can pile up so many charges and potential prison time that suspects are forced to make plea bargains to avoid going to prison for the rest of their lives. Note that Chauvin is sentenced to prison time on both state and Federal charges--both for the non-crime of restraining a huge violent criminal as he had been taught to do. A legal reform desperately needed is ONE ACT, ONE CRIME--not a half dozen different charges for the same act.

  5. And we now know,Derek Chauvin almost(and still might have)received a death sentence from ellison and company.If floyd had gone quietly in the car,Chauvin and the other cops involved would be home at this moment,instead of fighting for his life(in Chauvin's case)

    This is exactly what Ellison and blm wanted--to show black law at its most racially destructive conclusion. But the worst thing is that no Whites cared enough to rattle some (monkey)cages--beginning with keith ellison.

    I fear the worst for Chauvin NOW---and Trump--in 2024.

