Monday, November 27, 2023

Laugh of the Day: It’s Who You Know

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, november 26, 2023 at 11:34:00 a.m. est

Cindy McCain—widow of neocon John—appeared on face the (commie) nation—WHY?

She’s the executive director of a group called the world food programme which, according to Margaret Brennan, is attempting to feed [moslem arabs] and ukrainians.

How did this woman get this job?

Biden appointed her as an ambassador to a un agency for food and agriculture in 2021.

THEN, in 2023, un secretary general, António Guterres, appointed her to her current post. How does a woman with no qualifications get jobs like these?

After she married McCain in 1980, this woman started a similar food endeavor, during which she became addicted to drugs, cut a plea deal to avoid jail (source: wiki), and the endeavor went belly up.

Then, her father—the founder of a beer distribution company—died and she took over that multi-million dollar business. After her husband’s death, she ventured into woke activities and because of John McCain’s friendship with Biden, was appointed to her 2021 position.

Which goes to show you the label of McCain as republican or Biden as democrat is a faux label—and to get jobs and appear on tv as someone important, just be rich and marry a politician.

The rest takes care of itself.


1 comment:

  1. -RM
