Friday, October 27, 2023

The Word is “Schadenfreude”

[“new yorker who survived hamas festival massacre stunned by anti-semitic protests at home: ‘feel safer in Israel than in U.S.’”]

By Anonymous
saturday, october 21, 2023 at 1:49:00 a.m. edt

“‘a lot of what is happening right now are things that happened right before the Holocaust,’ Natalie Sanandaji, 28, of long island, told the post friday.”

“right before the Holocaust”

Oh man. Jews have no shame. Really.

Hopefully, soon invoking the Holocaust will no longer be a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Jews, or organized Jewry, have/has always pushed diversity and the browning of America. The adl is exhibit A in this, but they are far from alone. So, now they have to eat the s—t stew they made for all Americans to eat. All those diverse Americans don’t care so much about the Holocaust and Jewish whining.

The Germans have a word for this ... can’t think of it right now …

N.S.: I believe this reader is the one who has made similar comments over the years, always ending with “Nicholas will understand.”

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of " Deutschland Password" with Adolf Ludden as host--Allen's evil twin brother from a Fraulein mother.

    Announcer:Here's the star of our show,Adolf Ludden.

    Ludden:Danke,everyone,and we are joined tonight by famous Jew,Mel Brooks and German goddess,Elke Sommer(applause)Your playing partners are Adolf Eichmann IV and Natasha Hoess.
    (Crowd applauds)

    Brooks:I'm feeling a little uncomfortable.

    Ludden(putting on a mustache):No reason for any trepidation,Mr.Brooks--now ACHTUNG, let's play Deutschland Password.Here's your first word.

    Announcer:The password is Holocaust(ding)

    Brooks:Wait a minute,what kind of game is this?I'm not playing a game with a word like this in it.

    Ludden:Ten points,please give a clue to Adolf Eichmann IV,Mr.Brooks.

    Brooks:All right,uhh...genocide.

    Eichmann:I'm drawing ze blank...

    Brooks:Oh come on,your great-grandfather was in on it wayyy over his swastika.

    Eichmann:Nein,I do not know.
    (beep beep)

    Ludden:Elke?Nine points.

    Hoess:Holocaust(ding ding ding)


    Ludden:Correct!!!Nine points for Elke and Natasha.

    Brooks:That's outrageous--everything on this show is tasteless and pure Third Reich propaganda.

    Ludden(combs his hair back)Here's the next word.

    Announcer:The password is Auschwitz.(ding)

    Ludden:Ten points,Adolf.


    Brooks:This better not be Auschwitz.(ding,ding,ding)
    Are YOU KIDDING ME?I'm leaving.

    Ludden:Oh no you're not--GUARDS!!!I' m kidding!It's only a game ,Mr.Brooks,please sit down and finish it--please.

    Brooks:I just remembered,I have a plane flight in 20 minutes,gotta go.


    Ludden:Well,times up anyways for today,until next time--auf Wiedersehen.

