Saturday, October 28, 2023

I hate to be clairvoyant....

Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 10:21:32 PM EDT
Subject: I hate to be clairvoyant....

From a letter I sent on August 3,2010!!!!!!!!!!!

Those pricks in the Pentagon have been soiling themselves for DECADES over Iran!

When I said, "Iran. Iraq.  What's the difference..." I was speaking to my brother-in-law, a native of Iran.

Subject: Bombers, missiles could end Iran nukes Pentagon has plan for attack

Hey Steve,

Remember this?



What's the difference?

Just one letter.

PS: Is this the October surprise that the elites have planned for us?

Let's see, attack Iran.

In return Israel gets a few suicide bombers and a couple of our Navy amphibious boats are sunk.

Another Reichstag incident happens in my dystopian hometown of D.C.

Domestic "terrorism" is blamed.

Martial law is declared.

Illegal aliens are legalized so that "the borders can now be secured."

Hasta la vista, Los Estados Unidos!


  1. "Hasta la vista, Los Estados Unidos!"

    I can well imagine that when it does occur, the average American their response will be:

    "What is the point spread on the Bears-Packers game this weekend?"

  2. I turned on "Face the(Commie)Nation" this morning and as always,a theme is put in place by the network--and today is no exception.

    "Iran is responsible for this latest act..."(U.S. Cabinet member)

    "There's no doubt Iran must pay for involvement..."(U,S. military spokesman).

    The drumbeat of a regional war grows louder.


  3. And of course,the more often Margaret Brennan--or ANYONE--can say "children","innocent children" or ""dead children",the more we're supposed to be outraged.Let me say,the people involved in the Oct 7th attack,used to be children--and look what they turned into.

    Children are no more worth protecting than 90 year olds or 60 year olds,but it IS a propaganda tug.The crazy thing is ,the "protect kids" theory that media espouses,goes completely opposite of their position that the right to abort kids is an inherent right of women.

    Which makes absolutely no sense.

