Tuesday, October 31, 2023

hurricane otis stunned experts when its wind speeds increased by 115 mph in a single day before making landfall...

By A Texas Reader
tuesday, october 31, 2023 at 07:56:26 p.m. edt

"hurricane otis stunned experts when its wind speeds increased by 115 mph in a single day before making landfall, intensifying at the second-fastest recorded rate in modern times, according to the national hurricane center. noaa said otis 'was the strongest...


"hurricane otis leaves nearly 100 people dead or missing in mexico, local government says

"hurricane otis 'was the strongest hurricane in the East Pacific to make landfall in the satellite era,' when it hit acapulco, mexico, last week, noaa said.


So, someone playing a HAARP or something?




    (Opening scene)
    Hurricane Andy goes up to Hurricane Otis and says,"What'd I tell you about getting all snockered up and then plowing into a resort town?"

    "I'm sorry,Hurricane Andy."

    "Well you should be,Otis.Now you get in that lockup until next hurricane season and be as quiet as a church mouse."

    Tropical Storm Barney Fife:Ohhh nooo,you mean we're going to have to feed him every day--for 8 months

    "That's right,Barney--and tomorrow I want hot coffee,eggs,bacon and toast--at 7 a.m."


    "Until next June,Barn,"said Hurricane Andy."Right now I've got to go out and make sure everything's calm in the Atlantic,I'll bring some supplies for Otis' breakfast after I'm done."

    "But tropical depression,Thelma Lou,wanted me to stop by tonight..."

    "Duty comes first,Barney--even before smoochin' and getting your eyewalls intertwined."

    "Some days,I really hate my job..."

    Otis:See you tomorrow,Barney(jail cell clangs shut).

    Barney: "...and those are the GOOD DAYS."


    (Whistling finale)


  2. Manmade global warming! Without question. Answer provided. What else could it be???

  3. How soon are BLM & ANTIFA buying supplies & headed there to help the hurricane victims? If they do it will only be the so called white Allies doing the fund raising & heavy lifting . You ever notice it’s always white people doing the giving & the blacks doing the taking? Unless it’s a photo opp w/a celebrity and they get handed yet another prize for being black.
    After Hurricane Sandy the NYCHA hood rats lined up for the free gardening supplies, shovels, buckets- they never had any garden- they were selling that stuff. They somehow knew when the goodies were coming & they were first on line.
    Let’s not forget our beleaguered Asian friends- do you ever see Chinese Americans doing any relief efforts like this? After Hurricane Sandy the Chinese guy with the cluttered store was taking free relief supplies & selling them .
