Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Crime bosses from different cities do business: St. Louis and chicago are meeting to decide about the windy city sending thousands of illegal spicanos to the gateway city

[Tucker and Farage: Why aren’t moslem countries taking moslem rapefugees? (video).”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, october 31, 2023 at 1:38:00p.m. edt

GRA: Why would any city voluntarily take them?

“(Breitbart) chicago has reportedly taken meetings with illegal alien advocates from St. Louis, missouri, about a deal to ship thousands of border crossers from the windy city to the gateway city.

“St. Louis mayor Tishaura Jones [zanu-pf] recently launched the city’s ‘office of new Americans [sic]’ with an eye toward helping illegals settle in the city on the ohio river, and now several advocacy groups in St. Louis are nudging chicago officials to open up the spigot, according to the chicago sun-times.

GRA: Money can be the only reason—from the federal government.


1 comment:

  1. We had mini-blizzard Chicago area yesterday. Bienvenidos illegals USA.
