Sunday, October 29, 2023

“Biden’s too Old” (Sung to “King of the Road”)

[“Roger Miller, Country Comedian: ‘King of the Road’ (1964); ‘Dang Me’ (also 1964); ‘In the Summertime’; ‘Chug-a-Lug’; ‘Do Wacka Do’; and ‘River in the Rain.’”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
sunday, october 29, 2023 at 10:26:00 p.m. edt

His brain ain’t worth two cents,
Dumber than ol’ Mike Pence,
Can’t walk up stairs or steps,
Was one of—our worst reps.

He’s been POTUS the past 3 years,
And, fulfilled all of our fears,
He's a man who shouldn’t be there,
Biden’s too old.

He mumbles, constantly,
Gives speeches, pathetically,
No questions from the press,
What he says is just a guess.

Now Biden wants another term,
Just the thought makes me squirm,
He’s a man who shouldn’t be there,
Biden’s too old.

I know anybody else would be better than him,
The lightbulb in his head’s gone darker than dim,
And counting all the times that he’s fallen down,
The only job he’s good for—is that of a clown.

I say,

The border’s been destroyed,
Have to make him unemployed,
He’s a man, who cannot stay there.
Biden’s too old.



  1. OLD and mentally feeble. A bad combination.

  2. Don't worry, they have Newsome standing in the wings. Sniffin' Joe would be easier to beat. Don't knock Joe--just beat him next year.
