Wednesday, August 30, 2023

repeat offender crashes bmw and dies

By A Texas Reader
wednesday, august 30, 2023 at 06:08:07 p.m. edt

repeat offender crashes bmw and dies

We're pretty sure the bimmer wasn't his. a repeat offender in atlanta, Georgia has died after yet another crime spree. while speeding through a west end neighborhood at 4 a.m. on August 19, Charles McDaniel slammed his bmw into a parked car, sending his vehicle flying into a tree. while people came out of their homes to help, it was too late. learn about some notorious automotive bandits here. as a convicted felon with an extensive rap sheet, 25-year-old Charles McDaniel was no stranger to law enf


A/K/A Black  Man's Wheels


  1. The older I get,the less other people know how to drive.That's a fact.I rate drivers as good,fair and stupid fu**ers.Most make turns like 90 year olds--without a turn signal--but they're younger.Others go blocks with a signal on and no turn.
    Just a couple peeves of mine.


  2. shame about the bmw. is it dead too?

  3. "McDaniel was no stranger to law enforcement."

    The incorrigible will be incorrigible no more.

    In the old days it used to be a negro would not be seen driving a car unless it was a Buick, Oldsmobile or a Cadillac. Now they like BNW or Mercedes.
