Tuesday, August 22, 2023

oakland, ca video: White woman dragged by dusky attackers

By “W”
tuesday, august 22, 2023 11:20 a.m.


oakland, ca video: White woman dragged by dusky attackers

breaking news while I was waiting for a concert from warsaw to begin.



  1. The solution that no one ever mentions in these types of stories is extending black thug prison sentences to cut down on the black population on the outside world.It was predicted that crime would explode as woke/black law replaced "White law"--and it has:30% increases in murder and robbery in Oakland since 2019.

    What's everyone waiting for?"

    Everyone"being,any Whites who have any power and WANT to go back to "White law".

    It's the only solution,short of extermination of blacks.


  2. "Everybody is angry and fed up" but the same bad politicians are re-elected over and over. Often with NO opposition. What does anyone expect?
