Thursday, August 31, 2023

michigan police alerted fbi to possible nationwide voter registration fraud in 2020

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thursday, august 31, 2023 at 03:36:24 p.m. edt

"report: michigan police alerted fbi to possible nationwide voter registration fraud in 2020

"we thought you might take interest in this latest bombshell report from just the news, which you can...

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We thought you might take interest in this latest bombshell report from Just The News, which you can read in full here:

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  1. Trump Social says--"what?"


    (ZH)A federal judge on Thursday sentenced Proud Boys leader Joseph Randall Biggs to 17 years in prison - more than a lot of murderers receive - after calling the destruction of a fence on US Capitol property during the January 6, 2001 Capitol breach an act of terrorism.

    Proud Boys organizer Joseph Biggs walks from the George C. Young Federal Annex Courthouse in Orlando, Fla., on Jan. 20, 2021. (Sam Thomas/Orlando Sentinel via AP)
    The 39-year-old Biggs is the first of the Proud Boys leaders sentenced after being found guilty of seditious conspiracy in May along with five other charges related to the event.

    Which reminds us - instigator Ray Epps, who's totally not a fed, remains free to this day.

    Biggs was also convicted of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to use force, intimidation, or threats to prevent officers of the United States from discharging their duties, interference with law enforcement during civil disorder, and destruction of government property.

    The sentence, handed down by US District Judge Timothy Kelly, followed the DOJ's recommendation to add a terrorism enhancement, which greatly increased his potential prison time. That said, Kelly opted for roughly half the prison time the DOJ had sought.

    "I know that I messed up that day. But I'm not a terrorist. I know I have to be punished, and I understand," said Biggs in an emotional statement to Kelly.

    According to Kelly, Biggs and the other Proud Boys were part of a "mob that brought an entire government branch to heel" on January 6th.

    In a sentencing memo filed with the court on Aug. 17, defense attorney Norman Pattis anticipated the terrorism-enhanced sentence, although in court he described it as "shocking" and a "grotesque overreach" that is designed to chill dissent.

    'Not Terrorists'
    “The defendants are not terrorists,” Mr. Pattis wrote. “Whatever excesses of zeal they demonstrated on January 6, 2021, and no matter how grave the potential interference with the orderly transfer of power due to the events of that day, a decade or more behind bars is an excessive punishment.”

    Addressing Judge Kelly on Aug. 31, Mr. Pattis said: "The conundrum is often speech is used to explain the crime. In this case, the crime was used to explain the speech."

    Mr. Pattis said Mr. Biggs's destruction of a $32,000 Capitol fence shouldn't be considered terrorism because the fence was a "means to an end," not an attempt to influence the government.

    Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason McCullough defended the government’s recommended 33-year prison sentence.

    "It is justified,” Mr. McCullough said. “These are very serious crimes."

    In its sentencing memorandum for Mr. Biggs, prosecutors called him "a vocal leader and influential proponent of the group’s shift toward political violence."


  3. I should have had the headline:"WHITEY GETS BENT OVER AGAIN--17 YEARS FOR VANDALISM."

