Saturday, August 26, 2023

Criminals run amok at the university of minnesota/twin cities, including a massive cover-up!

By Jack Armstrong

minneapolis star trubune 8/17/2023 —

“police still seeking assailant after female followed, raped in university of minnesota parking lot”

[N.S.: As what follows will make clear, they’re not really seeking him.]

“the attack involved other injuries as well, according to the university.

“university of minnesota officials have released new details about the sexual assault of a female that occurred late at night in a campus parking lot several days ago.

“little else has been released about the reported assault, other than the suspect was wearing a bandanna, a sweatshirt and sweatpants. the alert said all the clothing was blue. the university is declining to offer any physical characteristics of the suspect, including ethnicity.”

N.S.: He’s a crip. a black wearing all-blue without being a crip could get killed. being a crip and wearing all blue could also get you killed, by a blood (red) or a member of another gang.

“university officials also declined to address the nine-hour range of when the reported attack occurred, nor will they say whether the victim is associated with the university or is a juvenile or adult.

“the school said in response to the public records request that it is withholding other information about the case ‘because this is an active investigation.’”

N.S.: Non sequitur alert! Much of the information the umn twin cities campus police are withholding is necessary for the public, in order to help catch the racist perp, and to protect oneself from him. Note that umn police stopped posting information necessary to help catch campus criminals several years ago, after black supremacist, affirmative action “students” protested, which was an unwitting confession by them that most campus criminals were black.

This is a conspiracy to obstruct justice, and to violate people on campus’ civil rights. Someone has gotta sue.

•Agree: Jack Armstrong

Postscript: When I wrote “Criminals run amok,” I meant black rapists, and the administrators and campus police who are their accessories both before and after the fact.

umn president: Jeff Ettinger (state system); Joan T. A. Gabel has left umn for the university of Pittsburgh, but she was the statewide president during much of the criminal practice.

umn twin cities campus police chief: Matt Clark.


  1. Police(black/woke led):Say as little as possible about their crime de jeur.No follow up needed.


  2. "they’re not really seeking him."

    Rape is a serious crime of violence for which perpetrators are regularly sentenced to 20 years or more in prison. So yes they are looking for him.

    Maybe or even probably not doing all they possibly can or could do to find him, FOR EXAMPLE releasing a full description, including race. But they are looking for him.

    Due to political pressure from the racial grievance industry Univ of Minn cops stopped issuing crime alerts with info about race way back in 2015. It is easy to find stories about that. Hanging is too good for the scum responsible for that decision.
