Saturday, August 19, 2023

cnn takes worker deaths from heat stroke, and ties them to its support of the “global warming” (re-branded as “climate change”) hoax, and family members’ shakedown lawsuits

By A Texas Reader

I remember the incident in the Lakewood neighborhood.

Left unmentioned: One article said that his wife mentioned as to how her husband was so dedicated that he would show up to work two hours early.


Who gets to work two hours early, unless he owns the business.

Was he clocking phantom hours?

After all, he worked for the postal “service.”

“‘It was a death trap.’ These workers died in triple-digit heat. Now their loved ones demand change”

N.S.: “Change”=money plus the power to make enduring mischief

Another thing that I suspect was a huge factor in this fake news story: I strongly suspect that the family members were interviewed in their lawyers’ presence, and were reading form scripts.


  1. Figures.Hurricane in California is "global warming",though they had one in 1939(so did "The Wizard of Oz").

    The LACK of hurricanes developing in the Caribbean is "global warming".

    Let's add a few more ridiculous ones:
    Nig D.A.s are indicting Trump due to "global warming"--they want to see him sweat.

    blacks go on numerous crime sprees of robbery and murder in the 6th,7th and 8th months of the year--because of "global warming,when all it really is--is SUMMER"

    Mexicans invading the U.S border,100,000 a month(that the Biden administration admits to) because of "global warming".Translation:They want to live in an air conditioned room in a luxury hotel.


  2. Mark Strassman--a full fledged,global warming proponent--pushed it again this morning on "Face(the Commie)Nation".Brennan's on board as is cbs,nbc and most media.
    "Maui,Hurricane Hilary,temperatures everywhere(GRA:Though the 7
    low 80s in Grand Rapids have been more prevalent than the 90s this summer)all global warming related."


  3. "(that the Biden administration admits to) "

    Correctly. That means ENCOUNTERED! Many more just never ENCOUTERED. How many more is a guess.
