Sunday, August 27, 2023

"We're just living our lives": blacks’ violent deaths often begin with their refusal to respect any law or rule whatsoever, e.g., handicapped parking spots, and then they escalate matters

By N.S.

On July 19, 2018, black Britany Jacobs drove her black “boyfriend,” Markeis McGlockton, 28, and their three children to a Clearwater, FL convenience store. She parked illegally in a handicapped parking space, even though five adjacent parking spaces were available. The 6-foot-plus McGlockton went inside the store with the couple’s eldest child.

White Michael Drejka, 47, admonished Jacobs to obey the parking laws.

The next thing Drejka knew, he was on the ground and in pain. The much larger McGlockton had come out of the store without his child, strolled up to Drejka as if he were passing him, and suddenly blindsided him, flattening him on the asphalt.

Drejka shot McGlockton dead.

“The War on the White Working Class: The Judicial Lynching of Michael Drejka”

On august 24, 2023 in Belford township, Franklin county, ohio, Ta’kiya Young, 21, who had two sons, three and six, and expected a daughter in november, went on an organized shoplifting spree with several others. She already had a warrant for her arrest, carefully prepared by illegally removing her Lexus’ license plates, illegally parked in a handicapped spot, and stole liquor from a Kroger’s.

When Young came out, a Kroger’s worker who was helping a shopper who had been locked out of his car pointed out Young to cops at the scene. When a cop ordered Young to get out of her car, she instead locked the doors, and then tried to murder him with the car. Thinking it was not a good day to die, the cop shot Young dead, thereby ending a promising criminal career.

“black ohio mother of two, 21, with her third child due in november, thought she had a racial birthright to violate an order of protection, to engage in mob shoplifting, to resist arrest, and to murder policemen”


  1. Was the cop White or black?It's the missing,unsaid link so far in the story.Media has not said what race,making the subliminal inference that the cop was White.If he IS White,the media orgasms about "more" race attacks on blacks.If the cop's black,they'll switch to it being cop hate crime against blacks

  2. The Drejka conviction really galled the hell out of me.Convicted of defending himself--really the first instance where it was decided that a White could not put up a fight and kill--if necessary--a blackie's attack on him.

    It has only gotten worse.

  3. Completely different stories and circumstances.

    One involved civilians only and was clearly an after-the-fact judicial lynching of a man who legitimately feared for this safety and acted in self-defense. He had already been assaulted.

    The other is a matter of police conduct. Was it reasonable given the circumstances? Cases of lethal force used by police should be carefully looked at.

    Here's another case for all the cop lovers:

    Woman hit by train while handcuffed inside police car

    Cop puts handcuffed woman inside a cop car that's sitting on railroad tracks. Then watches as a train comes and slams into the car, severely injuring the woman.

    Go ahead, defend that.

    It's a mistake to automatically take the side of cops in these incidents. Some cops are just stupid and incompetent.


  4. "Go ahead and defend that"

    GRA:First of all,how many times does the train come through during the day?
    Second of all,White cop or black cop ?All cops are not the same--on that basis alone.
