Saturday, July 29, 2023

texas a&m regents could offer a settlement to the racist, black, female affirmative action journalism professor at center of hiring controversy

By A Texas Reader
saturday, july 29, 2023 at 03:16:25 p.m. edt

texas a&m regents could offer a settlement to the journalism professor at center of hiring controversy

They should give her a bag of collard greens as a settlement.


  1. Caution:Geniuses at Work.



    GRA:I've said it a few times.DO NOT vote for a black Republican.blacks are trying to find different routes to get in Congress,including,the ruse of being "conservative".I said,"if you elect enough black Republicans,what you'll eventually get is a bunch of blacks."

    This proves it.

    (Breitbart)Rep. John James (R-MI) slammed Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) for attacking black Republicans who expressed concern with Florida’s education standards that purport to teach students about the “personal benefit” enslaved Americans received under slavery.

    DeSantis’s campaign came under fire because Florida’s newly enacted education standards require students to be instructed about “how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.”

    Florida’s Board of Education’s changes to the social studies curriculum were made possible by Florida’s Stop Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Act, which DeSantis signed into law last year.

    On Friday, James accused Florida’s Board of Education of “re-writing history.”

    “@RonDeSantis, #1: slavery was not CTE! Nothing about that 400 years of evil was a ‘net benefit’ to my ancestors. #2: there are only five black Republicans in Congress and you’re attacking two of them,” James tweeted.

    James mentioned both Tim Scott and Byron Donald,who voiced opposition to the Florida changes in teaching the history of slavery.

    GRA:Where blacks want to go with this is have both parties be full of black candidates--the unabashed blm'ers in the Dem party and the fake conservative ones in the GOP,after which you'd have elections EVERYWHERE like there was in Georgia--black vs black.

    blacks lie--remember that--and they'll say anything to get into office(pretending to be pro-White,anti-blm)to achieve their agenda.There IS no such thing as a black conservative.


  3. No reason to offer any kind of "settlement". She was never an employee of Texas A&M.

    Nothing wrong with racism or being racist.

  4. And don't forget the apology too. Whitey is always apologizing. Remember Jabotinsky: 1. "stop apologizing".
