Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Sinéad O'Connor, hostile, anti-American irish singer, dies at 56


  1. There's one song I liked of hers--"Emperor's New Clothes",but a great rock and roll version of it is on YouTube: Sinead O'Connor The Emperor's New Clothes(2013).She had a voice.


  2. "Nothing Compares 2 U"

    Surely that was the case with her undeniably. But in a bad way. Just a goofy gadfly.

  3. jerry pdx
    She was a dish when younger, fair skin, classic irish features and a slender but shapely body. On top of that she's blessed with musical talent and an amazing singing voice. 99.9% of people with talent like hers still don't find the kind of success in music that she did, yet it happened for her. Having all that is like winning the life lotto but what does she do in appreciation? She does the Anne Heche thing and makes her life into a train wreck ultimately dying before her time. I don't know what killed her, no cause of death has been revealed but the likelihood is that her early demise is a result of bad life choices.

    I remember when she decided she was a lesbian, like Anne Heche and her high profile relationship with Ellen, it was a big performance presented as "female empowerment". Of course, because she would probably be diagnosed as "bi polar" (what female isn't nowadays?), she changed her mind later on and decided she was straight after all, but still swore off men by becoming a nun.

    Maybe a lot of that were desperate grabs at publicity to get her flagging career back on track but anytime a woman starts playing the lesbianism as a statement against men game, we know we've got a nutjob on our hands.

  4. Sinead a very confused person.
