Sunday, July 30, 2023

not one 8th grade student at the Lebron James crackron school has passed a state math test in 3 years

By R.C.

Saturday, July 29, 2023 at 10:23:17 p.m. edt

"not one 8th grade student at the Lebron James akron school has passed a state math test in 3 years"

Is he black irish?

Or black amish?


  1. Or 300 years?There's a lot of things that don't add up with blacks and their (lack of)proficiency in passing math tests--and it's mostly THEM.


  2. Well, I don't know. What if they had a STEM curriculum tailored to these students that creates a culture conducive to social-emotional learning? Would that fix it?

    Oh, wait, their web page says they have that! Check it out! Be sure to scroll down to the picture of the Principal and blow a kiss.

    And congratulate that first cohort to 8th graders as they're now choosing colleges. Where they will surely be admitted. And where they'll happily find that college math has likewise been dumbed down.

  3. 1-2-3 many. African math. Numbers are juju.

  4. I wonder if cool brother Bron can pass the test. Or his son for that matter. The smart money would probably bet against.
