Thursday, July 27, 2023

Four Underrated Film Noir Classics (video)

Re-posted by N.S.

250,341 views nov 22, 2022
"These are four of my favorite film noirs. Although, they are mostly underrated and overlooked they deserve a wider audience. Featuring dynamic performances from stars like John Garfield, Dan Duryea, Evelyn Keys, Veronica Lake and Alan Ladd, these noirs are hardboiled cynical and will leave with the feeling that the world is out to get you."

The Black Angel 00:28

The Breaking Point 02:04

The Prowler 03:55

This Gun for Hire 05:26

N.S.: David in TN and I have discussed The Breaking Point before. When you see it, you'll understand why David is the world's biggest Julie Garfinkle fan (Julius Garfinkle was Garfield's real name.)

I can't choose between To Have and Have Not and The Breaking Point because, while John Garfield is clearly superior to Humphrey Bogart, Walter Brennan is just as clearly superior to Juano Hernandez. Hernandez was wonderful, but Walter stole the show. Notwithstanding all the talk about Bogart and Bacall, he's the reason you see Have.

4 Must Watch Underrated Film Noir Classics

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