Sunday, July 30, 2023

a coed at southern illinois university Edwardsville was targeted for posting this pix

By "W"
saturday, july 29, 2023 at 08:44:40p.m. edt

you may have read that a coed at southern illinois university Edwardsville was targeted for posting this pix. Sad to say she was only awarded $80,000

Footnote: tweet below on this topic that's got 2.1 million views in 24 hours:

Inline image

2m video: RACHEL MATHEWS [ Brit environmentalist who designs gardens, Twitter handle: @SuccessfulGardn]: 

Bel @Bel_B30    This lady was a supporter of green energy until she did some research. Here she nails the #climatescam    The climate change industry is worth $1.5 TRILLION a year. That's $4 BILLION a day.       Jul 28, 2023


  1. The world is full of Madoffs now,
    Ponzi schemes will "fix" the world somehow.


  2. Watermelons. Green on the outside, red on the inside.
