Friday, June 30, 2023

"supreme court strikes down Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan"

By N.S.

"supreme court strikes down Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan"

"opponents argued Biden didn’t have the power to cancel the mounds of student debt for borrowers, and instead needed to sign legislation approved by congress."


  1. If this was baseball,SCOTUS decisions would be notated as "shortstop to first base"--6 to 3--on their decisions today.


  2. For the last 60+ years now, the MO, the 'Mantra', has always been - is now - and always WILL BE: 'Give us MORE FREE SHIT' (or else).
    'Corporate Racism' hasn't created 'grocery deserts' or 'pharmacy deserts' or 'shopping deserts'.
    Multi-generational, total commitment to THEFT - of every imaginable type - is the undercurrent of their culture.
    When mobs of them loot and burn to the ground every last commercial resource available to them - leaving a charred wasteland - they are telling you how they really feel about their 'community'.

  3. This too nonsense and I am glad it seen for what it is. Thank you Clarence.

  4. Canceling the debt is the right thing to do.

    It's phony money anyway: in a fractional reserve banking system like the one used in the US, banks create money out of nothing and then loan it out.

    No other country burdens its young people with massive debt the way America does.

    It's shameful.

    Sure, some of the students who acquire the debt are foolish. But they are mostly kids. And just responding to the need for a credential, a sheepskin, that has been sold to them since childhood.

    It's indefensible.

  5. Biden already has "another plan" to get around SCOTUS.You can't stop these maniacs.And by Biden,I mean the puppeteers working the Biden puppet.

