Saturday, May 20, 2023

Promo for The Afterlife Tonight Show: Robin Williams Chimes in on Hank Mancini

[Previously: “Two for the Road”: Hear italian chanteuse Roberta Gambarini and American Nancy LaMott Perform Henry Mancini and Leslie Bricusse’s song “Two for the Road,” from the eponymous, 1967 movie, and Mancini Play It on the Piano (Three Videos)”; and

“Alright, Guys! You Didn’t Like Hank Mancini, so Here Goes, with More Blood and Guts! teen, 13, fights for his life after being shot in the head by two masked assassins in hit in broad daylight near staten island projects.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, may 20, 2023 at 11:38:00 a.m. edt

Robin Williams chimes in on Hank:

“Whoa, honk for Hank—not Hank Fonda—though you could honk for him as well, but Hank Mancini—nano, nano. And not Hank Wadsworth Longfellow—famous writer and porn star, though HE TOO could be honked for. Shazbat—seems I’m forgetting one or two Hanks. Let’s see, Hank Miller—but not Hank Aaron—they ALREADY called him Hank—so no honking for HIM—plus he’s black—arr, arr, arr.

“All right, if you want more, I’ll be on The Afterlife Tonight Show next Monday with Jonathan Winters, who will do his impersonation of Hank Kissinger—who he has down very well, since they’re both roughly the same age, though one is deceased and one isn’t. Can you tell which is which? Didn’t think so. Gotta go—nano. nano.”


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