Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Charles Rowe is a one-man crime wave; the convicted child-rapist-murderer should have been executed over 30 years ago, but judges keep letting him out to commit more rapes and aggravated assaults; not only does the new york post refuse to publish any of his mug shots, but google is deliberately misleading the public, by publishing a bunch of mug shots of a White killer!

By N.S.

Keith Poole is editor-in-chief, new york post, and Lachlan Murdoch is the publisher (though a Sean M. Giancola is officially ceo/publisher).

I commented, Keith Poole and Lachlan Murdoch's refusal to publish any mug shots of this crime machine has the effect of screaming from the rooftops, "Charles Rowe is black!" "Ex-con on lifetime parole for rape, murder of 10-year-old nyc girl charged in new sexual assault

"Charles Rowe, 56, who did more than 30 years in prison for the rape and murder of a 10-year-old girl, remained free after another bust thanks to lenient state laws..."



  1. What is "beyond insanity"?Whatever that is,we are in it.


  2. Hochul should be recalled--just for signing "less is more".

    More insanity.


  3. Should have been executed thirty years ago. YES!!
