Sunday, May 21, 2023

black supremacist uncle of black berserker career criminal Jordan Neely demands that White hero Marine Daniel Penny do hard time, without having committed any crime! And he wants more heroes prosecuted!

By N.S.

“ex-Marine Daniel Penny shouldn't get plea deal in subway chokehold case, Jordan Neely's uncle says

“'He needs to be prosecuted or he will do it again,' Christopher Neely told the post on sunday. 'it's a smack in the face for Jordan's family and the people of new york.'”

"or he will do it again"?! Do what again?! Protect beleaguered Whites from yet another racist, black berserker? A smack in the face for Jordan Neely's family? No, the existence of that scummy family is a slap in the face for decent new yorkers.


  1. Might as well be talking to a turnip. Trying to convince the uncle--or any blacks--that their attitude is the problem only wastes energy.Whites try to look objectively at the case individually,but blacks band together as one group,defeating the need for any fact-finding or truth.

    They want Penny in prison--and they want Bragg to do it for the black race--because Neely,Bragg,the uncle and all the rest of the blacks coalesce around getting Whitey,no matter what the truth is.


  2. '“'He needs to be prosecuted or he will do it again,' Christopher Neely told the post on Sunday. 'it's a smack in the face for Jordan's family and the people of new york.'”
    Contemplate the abject lunacy of this comment - imagine having to grow up in an environment where you are surrounded with such irrationality, rage and racism. Add the total absence of a single solid male (non-felon) role model, and you get this 'berserker' domestic terrorist (sorry, 'Michael Jackson impersonator') - and thousands more like him, everywhere. Violent insane grifters - who have as much self-control and self-awareness as a toddler throwing a tantrum. How many 'special needs students' graduate on to 'dealing with mental health issues' - such as Neely 'suffered from' when they reach 'adulthood'?
    This 'uncle' of Neely also said: “He (Dan Penny) has too much confidence in himself and has to be taught what he did was wrong.” A better translation of his comments would be:
    'Blacks - no matter what they say or do, no matter how dangerous and violent - should never be held responsible for their behavior. We should be able to do and say whatever we want, wherever we want - your laws do not apply to us: we've been the victims of your racism our entire lives, we have no agency, no free will - it's all your fault'. Penny was the villain these people were waiting for - a white man with the temerity to step in - when no one else would - and put a stop to the threats and the madness. And for that he MUST pay.
    There is nothing that blacks hate more than a white man who refuses to buckle under their threats, the obscene bullshit they daily bring into every public space in this city. It comes down yet again to their 'cardinal rule of engagement': 'blacks have a license to criminality of any type (including murder), and whites (or anyone sorta 'white enough') have a duty to submit, cower and die. To them, anything less than this is 'no justice'.

    (NY post)Jordan Neely’s uncle arrested for pickpocketing after saying Daniel Penny doesn’t deserve plea deal
    By Steve Janoski
    May 23, 2023 2:58pm Updated
    An uncle of Jordan Neely — the homeless man choked to death on the subway this month — was arrested near the Port Authority Bus Terminal for allegedly stealing purses from restaurants, police sources said Tuesday.

    (GRA:Inflammatory,prejudicial and unprofessional.The correct phrasing is:Neely,the chronic thug ,who died as a result of being restrained after a psychotic episode that took place on a subway against other passengers,

    Christopher Neely, 44, had acted as something of a representative for the grieving family in the aftermath of his 30-year-old nephew’s May 1 death, frequently speaking out about the lightning-rod case.

    GRA:Janoski--a Polack.I would have expected better from him.

