Monday, April 24, 2023

“Return” of the Super-Predator

By Nicholas Stix

The story quickly went viral. The St. Paul, MN police went to a house last July to serve an arrest warrant for murder. They didn’t find their suspect, but they may have found at least one future murderer.

A gang of young black children was standing around outside, all of them dressed in their underwear, and one in a diaper. One boy, in particular, who was described by the media as a “toddler” (three or four years of age) was cursing and repeatedly committing assault and battery against the White cop. (Yes, he kept hitting him.) The children were also racially insulting a black cop who was with the White cop.

“Assault and battery against a grown cop, Stix. Aren’t you being a little histrionic?”

No. A little boy who already feels entitled to batter a White policeman is a murderer in the making. That is, if he hasn’t already murdered someone.

Note that the article by the new york post’s Lee Brown is self-undermining, in that it promotes the regime’s counterfactual narrative, whereby George Floyd was the victim of a “police murder” and Daunte Wright was a victim of “manslaughter.”

“Shocking video footage has emerged of a young child repeatedly hitting a Minnesota cop who was there to arrest a murder suspect — calling the officer a ‘b—h’ and telling his colleague to ‘shut the f–k up!’

“The clip released by Alpha News [which has since been memory-holed by google/youtube] was filmed last week in St. Paul, a city that saw widespread rioting after the nearby police murder [sic] of George Floyd and manslaughter [sic] of motorist Daunte Wright.

“‘Shut up, b—h!’ screamed the young child, who appeared to be only a few years old and wearing just underwear while standing in the street, with an even younger child in a diaper just behind him.

“He then strode up and hit one of them, repeating, ‘Shut up, b—h!’

“‘Shut the f–k up!’ the kid then screams at the other officer, who was wearing a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) vest, telling him his work boots are ‘those ugly-ass church shoes.’”

The July 12, 2022 hed said, “Child hits and swears at cop in ‘heartbreaking’ video from Minnesota.”

I didn’t find it heartbreaking. Scary, though. The little monster is being encouraged by a much older person, and if the cops had done the right thing, and given the young criminal a thrashing, they’d have been imprisoned, and people at the crime scene were hoping for that.

The term “super-predator”--ultra-violent, crime machines--was coined by criminologist John J. DiIulio, who was then subjected to relentless heat from the red and black alliance, and soon melted, and ceased using the term.

But super-predators didn’t simply disappear, when people stopped calling them by their proper name. If anything, their numbers swelled, with the encouragement of academic and political black supremacists and White “allies,” who screeched that super-predators were the victims of “racial profiling” and “mass incarceration,” and the cowardly passivity of republicans and “conservatives,” including President “Platinum Plan” Trump. As it is, 13.3% of the population now commits 64% of the country's murders.



    GRA:Other "super-predators" I'll include in the category are media types like Lee Brown who ignore the facts about anything race related.They "prey" on readers through racial b.s. and the country suffers as a result--there's never recognition of what the problems are that have brought this country to it's lowest point in history(Great Depression included).


  2. “Child hits and swears at cop in ‘heartbreaking’ video from Minnesota.”

    The black had studied the welfare system to see where they could get the best deal. Minnesota and Wisconsin were noted for their good welfare benefits so blacks gravitated toward the places where they would feel most comfortable.

    And they took all their old and bad habits a whole range of pathologies with them. You would have thought that going to a place like Milwaukee or Minneapolis the would appreciate things and start thinking that we need to behave ourselves. But no!

    It would be interesting to follow that colored kid as he ages and see what sort of mischief he engages in. Perhaps he has already done so.

  3. jerry pdx
    I've observed this behavior in negro children pretty much from the moment they could talk to preteen years. I had a neighbor, who thankfully moved recently, who was black and you could hear him constantly yelling the n word and other racial epithets to his 6 yr. old son. Plus, plenty of violent threats and obscenities. I've also observed the same with other black families behaving that way publicly, though I think they tend to be a little more careful around other people. When I shared a fence with one, I got to hear what they said when they felt they had "privacy". Somebody is going to say, well I've seen White kids behave that way also, and yes, I have too, but when 8-9 times out of 10 it's a black kid showing early super predator tendencies, you have to wonder what's going on with these black families and how they raise their kids. Or maybe it's just innate.

  4. From VDare's Kenn Gividen:
    Last month: ABOUT 40 BLACK-ON-WHITE HOMICIDES, GIVE OR TAKE A FEW HISPANICS: Black History Month aka February 2023—Another Month In The Death Of White America

    (Our hesitation as to the total is because we don’t know how to ascribe the race of some victims. But they are still victims.)

    March saw the usual toll of white (and Hispanic and Asian) women in relationships with black men. And, also as usual, Drug Deals Gone Wrong. This month, however, some white women appear to have shot first, or to have been involved in multiracial conspiracies to murder. Another white Good Samaritan was killed. And we have killings by black women in white victims’ homes (prostitution related?)

    And, also for the first time, we actually have one genuine white killing of a black police officer! Plus another white policeman was killed, and another is being lynched.

    Below, we present evidence that some 145,695 white people—including 35,000 women—have been killed by blacks in the last 53 years, more than the 117,000 American soldiers killed in the First World War.

    GRA:I never go on VDare,but did today to see if they had commentary on the two White men charged with shooting trespassers from their homes.

    Got this instead.


  5. jerry pdx
    Don Lemon has been fired from CNN:
    All these years of him expressing outrageous, racist and hateful opinions and it was non pc sexist comments he made toward Nikki Haley that got him fired. I suppose someone could say it was an accumulation over years but I suspect if management was offended by his outspoken woke extremism he would have been gone years ago. Just another example of how quickly the left will turn on one of their own if they do even the slightest thing off script. I don't think we've heard the last of him though, he'll likely turn up somewhere.

  6. Obviously this creature learned his hatred and behavior from his parents (or probably parent as few blacks have stable two-parent homes). He will probably end up dead--shot by rival criminals or end up in prison numerous times--doing more crimes in between sentences. Of course whites will be blamed for his miserable life. In between incarcerations he will father more kids who he won't parent and these kids will likewise be brought up to be criminal monsters. So the cycle continues. I can think of no solution that is possible in a semi-free country.

  7. jerry pdx
    Another take on the fruit, named for a fruit, being fired by CNN. I spotted an article that claimed Don Lemon was fired due to a fiery exchange he had with GOP Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswami during a CNN interview:

    Full interview here:

    In it Lemon claims black people in the US aren't allowed to enjoy their freedoms, among other ridiculous things. Typical Lemon, he's always a victim because he's black and every black person is also, eternally and forever. Fox article said that CNN execs were tired of him doing this sort of thing so decided to get rid of him:

  8. Super predator is right. Like an animal such as a lion stalking prey on the Serengeti in Africa. Looking too for the weakest animal to be the victim. Like in USA blacks preying on whitey.
