Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Coley McCraney’s convenient convenience store story

By Anonymous
tuesday, april 25, 2023 at 5:55:00 a.m. edt


This seems to be his version of events:

“Jennifer” called him and they agreed to meet at the store.

[McCraney said he and J.B. agreed to meet at the Ozark convenience store where the girls were last seen a few hours before the murders.]

He went there but she did not show up, so he left.

[He said after she didn’t show up, he left but returned later, where he encountered the teens, got into the car with them, and led them to where he had parked his truck and trailer in rural Dale County.]

Why did he go back to the store later? Where he claims there was a chance meeting with “Jennifer” and Tracie. At the place they had agreed to meet at an earlier time, but long after the agreed time of the meeting?

I read before that he claimed the truck he drove to the store broke down.

So he gets in the car with the girls, and they drive to where he parked his semi truck. Why go to the semi truck? Why would the girls, who wanted to go to a party, but got lost, and now presumably wanted to go home, go to a semi truck?

Then he said he gave “Jennifer” a tour of his truck, and they climbed into the sleeping compartment in the back of the cab and had sex while Tracie waited in the car.

Then they drove him back toward his house and dropped him off nearby.

[Afterward, he testified that they drove back into town and dropped him off a distance from his home because he did not want his girlfriend—now his wife―to know he had been out with the girls.]

Here is the story, with some unanswered questions:

McCraney said he went to the store after Beasley failed to show up for their date and he saw two girls at the payphone, but did not immediately realize one of them was Beasley, who had stood him up about an hour earlier.

Once they got to a truck stop where he had parked his truck about midnight, McCraney testified that he and Beasley got out of the car while Hawlett remained in the car.

He told jurors that he and Beasley then climbed into his truck, and they soon had sex in the sleeper berth.

At the conclusion, McCraney said Beasley and Hawlett took him back to Ozark at about 12:30 a.m., which is about the time investigators say the girls died.

Their car was found along Herring Avenue, about a half-mile from McCraney’s home.

“'In a period of 45 minutes you get into a car with a girl you had met once, had sex, and returned. Happened pretty fast didn’t it,' Marshall asked.”

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe,in a small town back in the 90s,White teens would hook up with a black.Those were different times.More likely,he hit on them,somehow coerced them to get in the truck(a ride was offered?),but then he killed Beasley in front of J.B. Hawley and then raped and killed Hawley.

    IF it was true that the sex was consensual,why would he kill them?There'd be no reason--he got what he wanted.You would even think he would personally drive them where they wanted to be(they were lost).

    If any of that is remotely true,his claim that ANOTHER person the girls came into contact with(who did not deposit sperm)killed them for no reason.

    All black bullsh*t.

