Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Katy Tur & msnbc: whenever someone shoots a child, republicans are guilty

By N.S.

My chief of research turned on msnbc this afternoon (4ish), and Katy Tur was sarcastically saying things like, "This is their new thing. No more, 'Prayers,' now it's 'Pure evil,'" regarding the nashville school mass murder.

I was very pleased that gopers would speak of a sexual psychopath in terms of pure evil. But soon enough, one of their wimpy leaders will decide that they can't speak that way of a protected class.

By the way, the killer supposedly claimed to be "gay," as well as a man. What on Earth would that have meant? That she liked sex with men?

Tur or one of her talking heads (msnbc plays this game, where it shows a th's name for a split second, before disappearing it), spoke of "gun safety groups," which are supposedly matching 2A groups in popularity. Yeah, just like their push polls.

Tur cited a fakestat, whereby 425 "children" had been slain via "gun violence" so far this year. English translation: 425 people under the age of 40, most of them black gangsters, have been shot to death so far this year, most of them by other black gangsters.

Tur had a dnc female and a dnc male on as ths. The male was a Bresnahan. My chief of research determined that his name is John Bresnahan, and he's from something called punchbowl news. It's a "non-partisan," dnc, fake news service.


  1. I used to watch her show with the sound off years ago.Quite a rack she has--last time I checked


  2. In my field of expertise, as a Ph.D. in boobology (UCLA, the University at the Corner of Lenox Av), I can second your judgment, GRA.

    1. Trump noticed too,he was after her big time,while running for Prez--and who knows what Tur did or did not do--for an interview?


  3. That only one a child is shot and killed. Republicans are guilty of everything. There is nothing day or not guilty of, and that is how it is going to be forever having a Ronald Reagan Republican in the presidency is no more or less impossible. It is a given the Republican can almost never win the presidency ever again, so just forget about it.

  4. This looked like an entertainment post to some degree,so a quick observation about Kevin Bacon,who was on "Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show for the Braindead",Wednesday.

    One of the hilarious things about people as they get older,is that some of them start to look like other people--some famous,some not.

    Kevin Bacon is starting to morph into Nick Nolte,when Nolte was in his late 50s or early 60s.
    I had to do a doubletake.If the change in his features progresses,he should have the same look Nolte had--in his famous mugshot--in about 3 years.


  5. AZ Governor's Press Secretary Resigns Amid Outrage After Calling For Violence Against 'Transphobes'

    WEDNESDAY, MAR 29, 2023 - 01:25 PM
    (ZH)Update (1325ET): Josselyn Berry, Governor Hobbs' Press Secretary, has resigned after responding to the Nashville school shooting with a tweet that appeared to advocate violence against "transphobes."

    GRA:What did she send the tweet for--so she could quit her job in five seconds?Republicans jumped on her to resign--she did--what was gained or lost?Nothing.

    I'm really getting tired of people quitting their jobs over an opinion.It's political gamesmanship gone awry in most cases--people getting carried away with the propaganda.She MAY have even been trying a liberal joke.Explain it,apologize:"I effed up."

    Say it as if you mean it.

    Go to work the next day.

    GOP said,"It's un-American to support and condone violence."

    Is it?Violence is prohibited forever more?I disagree--MINDLESS,criminal violence should be ostracized(and THAT IN FACT, ISN'T),but somewhere down the line,patriotic fighting may be the only solution to saving America.

    In fact,I'm sure of it--and they(the politicians)know it too,they just don't want to be forced to resign after endorsing such a viewpoint.

    This country is hanging by a thread.If a few pols said,"Let's go,we've had enough,let's take the country back by force,"the civil war would start in a minute and that's what they're afraid of.

    Everyone conveniently gets amnesia about how this country was started....wars,battles,resistance against global tyrants(English).

    We have globalist tyrants now--IN THIS COUNTRY--and what was done in 1776 and 1863 is our only hope of turning back the clock and stopping the destructive path we're all on.


  6. "Kevin Bacon is starting to morph into Nick Nolte, when Nolte was in his late 50s or early 60s."

    Poor fellow this Kevin.
