Friday, March 31, 2023

planned robbery, or a planned hit? curser Brian Thompson, aka btb savage, murdered after talking about killing would-be robber

By A Texas Reader
fri, mar 31, 2023 8:36 p.m.

"rapper btb savage reportedly killed after interview about robbery gone wrong [sic]"

"the rapper recently described an attempted robbery at his downtown San Antonio home."

N.S.: His girlfriend is tough. So was he. Not very bright, but plenty tough. So was the first incident a planned robbery, or a planned hit?


  1. In this half-hour interview BTB Savage gives a second-by-second replay of his fight with the would-be robber, an account that goes on for a full quarter-hour and is delivered, moreover, in rapid-fire speech. Most people, I think, would never be able to remember so much detail after the event, however traumatic.
    His oh-so-rapid talk, in sharp contrast to the interviewer’s slower and clearly enunciated remarks, often descends into unintelligible gabble--at least to this non-black listener

  2. Many comments of mine are not being posted.At least half--any reason?


  3. GRA,

    I'm very sorry about that. I can only imagine that it's dirty tricks by my google-minder to kill traffic. Please do me a favor, and send me each comment you try to post here at

    Thanks, in advance.
