Wednesday, February 22, 2023

raceless, faceless "teens" murdered kid who offered them ride home

By David in TN
wed, feb 22, 2023 11:17 a.m.

bcpd: teen killed after offering suspects ride home

David in TN: Two "Teens, ages 13 and 14," are the suspects, one of whom turned himself in, accompanied by a parent. As I've said previously, you never see a bottom in depravity for these crimes.


  1. Jack Snyder was White,the two minors,obviously black.I missed this on WOOD--not something they want to spend time on.

    David,did you get an alert?


  2. GRA,

    I learned about from Ann Coulter. She tweeted about it today.

  3. When they wrote these juvenile justice laws, so-called, they never had in mind that some kids that young will pull that kind of shit on another person and kill them that was never in the minds of any of the legislators, but it does come to pass and it’s not so common but it’s not so uncommon either

  4. >obviously black

    Very probably black.

    Battle Creek MI is 16% black, somewhat above the national average (13.5%):

    Battle Creek is in Calhoun County, which is 11% black:

    Per reports the DA wants to charge both as adults (video with two black reporters):

    On the other hand, since they are minors there will be an investigation into how they got access to a gun.

    So in any case the race will come out eventually/soon.

    >you never see a bottom in depravity for these crimes.

    There is no bottom, as the recent killing of a reporter in Miami also shows.

    White people have created an enormous amount of civilizational capital in their countries, so it will take some time, even a long time, to destroy them -- but that process is well underway.

  5. The M.O. is black--at any age.When's the last time you read that a White 15 year old attempted this kind of crime?
    Battle Creek is 16% black,like the country is 13% black.It isn't how much--but where.

  6. >but where.

    Of course this occurred to me, but since I'm unfamiliar with the area, and did not want to spend time to check further, I just stopped at the census data (which can be called up in literally a few seconds).

    >The M.O. is black

    No reasonable, honest person who has followed crime in the US would dispute that -- especially since there is a double digit percentage population fraction of Blacks in the area.

    But while one can, based on anecdotal experience following crime stories, reasonably speculate (e.g. by saying those arrested are 'very probably' black), I see no point in stating something as fact (more or less) before that fact is actually known, especially when I think the race of those responsible will become known fairly soon -- personally, I'm just not interested in doing that.

    It's really that simple.

    Also, I have been proven wrong before -- it's rare, but it does happen.

    In fact, there was a very recent example:

    When I first saw a story about a Temple Univ cop being shot to death on the street, there were no details -- so I mentally assumed the cop was white, and he was killed by a black ghetto thug (after all, it's Philadelphia, so the latter seemed a safe assumption).

    But it turned out BOTH of those assumptions were wrong: it was a black cop who was killed, and they later arrested some white punk: Miles Pfeffer.

    1. If you'd have bet $2 on that scenario in Vegas--White kills black cop--you'd be a millionaire,maybe a billionaire.It's the first instance I remember seeing.


    2. As I've mentioned before--about betting on roulette,as opposed to betting theoretically on perps--with the latter,always bet on black.

