Monday, February 27, 2023

Cortavious and Shanquavious (Why is this Not National News?)

By A Colleague (today)

From August, 2016, in case you missed it, as I did.

Notable names.  And, if races had been reversed, nationally-newsworthy crime.

Guess the…..Ah, it's not even funny anymore. Scott Adams is correct. Get away and stay away from them.


  1. I like the idea of letting Shanqtavious have a little(or a lot)of what he did to the 83 year old White lady,done to him.

    Every brutal assault on her,the pouring and lighting of gasoline.

    They couldn't kill her immediately,these gorilla sized nigs,the lady fought back to put out the fire they set on her body.

    Why don't we do unto niggers what niggers do unto us?

    If I was dictator...


  2. Death penalty case. And each of them facing death too I hope.

    "Why don't we do unto niggers what niggers do unto us?"

    I am sure many get the urge. But we are civilized human beings and they are not.

    Dilbert was right too.
