Wednesday, January 04, 2023

The nfl may be a league of pussies and racial supremacists, but republicans and “conservatives” covering it, increasingly sound like racial socialist “allies”

[“There’s no crying in football! What kind of pussies play in in the nfl?! Oh, that kind.”]

By N.S.

The following passage comes not from sports illustrated or espn, but the daily caller, of all places, which was founded by Tucker Carlson, and is supposedly a conservative site.

Note, too, that the comments—at least the ones I found—have nothing to do with the story.

“nfl announces fate of cancelled monday night game

By Andrew Powell
January 3, 2023, 2:16 P.M. ET
The Daily Caller

“the nfl has made its decision....” [N.S.: Actually, the nfl has made no decision, regarding the fate of the monday, january 2, 2023 game.]

“what an absolutely insane day this has been for me, covering this entire ordeal.

[N.S.: What “ordeal”?]

“you know how when something major happens in society (usually bad), and it’s such big news that you’re completely surrounded by this vibe the entire day? I don’t really know how to explain it, but I think a lot of people will know what I mean. And I think a lot of us are feeling that today. I know I am.”...

“stay strong, king.”

What major event happened in society? A political assassination? The devaluation of the dollar? No, a black guy got hurt tackling someone in a football game. Outside of his family and his team, what’s major about that? What’s the “ordeal”? And who crowned Damar Hamlin “king”? I thought we didn’t have kings in America.


  1. jerry pdx
    Spotted this nonsensical article at the intro screen on Firefox:

    It's a game with giant bodies hurtling toward each other with intent to do bodily harm, risk is inherent in it and can't be avoided, unless you want to make it into powder puff football. That risk is there in MMA, boxing, basketball, hockey and car racing. Grown men, or women, choose to do it because they are adults and capable of making that choice.

    NFL can't create the reality it wants? What reality? That life doesn't have risk? Every time you step out the door you take a risk, every time you rock climb, swim, jog, eat food or even breathe the air there is a risk. Let's look at this idea that we must bubble wrap ourselves to avoid "risk" from the perspective of those who want to control us so they can exploit us. Terror of something bad happening means people will turn to the government or corporate america to keep us safe with vaccines, societal controls and laws, more laws and more laws. Not to mention the elimination of guns, cash and anything else that gives people independence and freedom from an governmental over control. The globalists want us terrified of our own shadows and us to be compliant fearful sheep.

    1. Absolutely.If you watch the "news",every story is a warning of future cataclysm--from weather("20 million Americans under a threat of..." to colds(triple pandemic)to politics("They're going to take your right to abortion,gay marriage etc.away.")and finally White supremacy is coming("Jaws" theme played) to send blacks back to picking cotton.

      But they don't warn you of imminent threats to Whites by minority rule in many our cities and their failure to enforce the law on black and Mex criminals,while chaos reigns non-stop.


  2. Soon,some new rules that no one can make contact with black players above the knee (touch football)but blacks can smash Whitey's body into cardiac arrest.

    Back in the 70s,a White player named Chuck Hughes dropped dead during a Bears/Lions game of natural causes.

    There was no outcry about the player.The same thing goes in auto racing--where White guys get killed occasionally--to crickets mostly or a shrug.

    Which is the way it should be--it's part of the sport.

    But blacks(and media)made a big deal about this because a black player had a fluke injury(you have to hit someone just right to cause the reaction Hamlin had)--which gave the liberal press the chance to bring out the "black(football)lives matter" mindset they espouse and push.

    It's another reason I quit watching this stuff.

